The constitution of Envienta Association

Deciding to establish the ENVIENTA Magyarorszรกg Association, Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.) and CLXXV of 2011 on the right of association, public benefit legal status, and the operation and support of civil organizations. In accordance with the provisions of Act (Ectv.), the members accept the organization’s statutes with the following content.

I. Association data

  1. Name of the association: ENVIENTA Magyarorszรกg Egyesรผlet
  2. Short name of the association: ENVIENTA Association
  3. Name of the association in foreign languages: ENVIENTA Hungary Association
  4. The seat of the association: 1031. Budapest Amphitheater u 25.
  5. The list of members containing the names and places of residence of the founding members of the association forms Annex No. 1 of the statutes.

II. The purpose and activities of the association

The purpose of the Association

  1. The aim of the organization is to create a renewable, intelligent and cooperative society. To this end, we are creating a sustainable and regenerative natural, social and economic environment, a cooperative ecosystem, in order to adjust human relations based on competition to cooperation.
  2. ENVIENTA is a community solution package that enables the sharing of experiences, resources, and products necessary for self-maintenance that can be further developed by members (open access) and open source (open source).
  3. Its goal is to create and network cooperative communities. To this end, we train Social Entrepreneurs and establish Social Enterprises that produce social value and meet real needs. ENVIENTA is a value holarchical network of mission groups. We operate the organic community economic initiatives as an open access network cooperative (Platform Cooperative).
  4. ENVIENTA integrates innovation initiatives into a paradigm-changing model. The purpose of the Platform is to support and spread open source design, promote local production and resource-based circular economy.
  5. The Platform is a base of agreement, a set of principles that ensures the agreement of group members for joint action and is also the basic operating environment, a software that produces the hardware on which the future we choose can be “run”.
  6. The ENVIENTA Association creates an integrated environment for the coordination of global design and local production. To this end, we support the creation and operation of grassroots innovation centers (coworking – community office and makerspace – community workshop community-educational-creative spaces), as well as the targeted utilization and cooperative multiplication of their resources.
  7. The ENVIENTA Platform ensures the connection of innovators, creators and designers, makerspace communities and other manufacturers and service providers, as well as users, ultimately consumers, in a new supply chain. To this end, we create and operate a platform that promotes networking.
  8. We carry out interdisciplinary research and meta-methodological development related to the ecological approach and awareness in both the humanities and natural sciences, form an expert base and develop intelligent networks in order to reduce the ecological footprint and support a sustainable, resource-based economy.
  9. Our goal is to create a crowdfunding platform so that we can achieve broad social cooperation in the organization of resources in order to achieve our mission.
  10. We support open source developments primarily in the areas of renewable energy, smart garden and smart home systems, sensor systems, big data, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, 3D printing, blockchain technologies (exchange of value, decision-making, data storage, tokenization of organizational systems), and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the field of technologies. Developments are shared under Creative Commons and CopyFair (type) licenses.
  11. Our goal is to develop our own training system to develop the personality and intelligence of the participants. Supporting the development of abilities and skills that develop social innovation and responsibility. In addition to the above, we attach special importance to promoting self-active, self-training, vocational training courses, child, youth and adult education opportunities, vocational colleges and folk college training, as well as MOOCS and other solutions available in the virtual space.
  12. In connection with the above topics, we publish publications and distribute informational, training and methodological materials with the help of internet websites, applications and multimedia developments.
  13. In accordance with the above goals, the Association initiates and supports the implementation of lectures, professional presentations, camps, conferences and other events, cooperates and negotiates goals with other domestic and foreign partners.

In order to achieve the outlined goals, the main activities and tasks of the Association are:

Main activity

Support for research, development and innovation in order to create a cooperative and regenerative society and economy – 9499 Mns other community and social activities

  1. Conducting and supporting research, development and innovation (R+D+I).
  2. Youth representation

Promoting the integration of young people into the European Union by supporting the following areas: Ensuring more and equal opportunities in education and the labor market. Encouraging young people to actively participate in society, developing their innovativeness and creativity. Promoting the employment and entrepreneurship of young people by organizing youth volunteering and internship exchange programs. Facilitating the involvement of young people in areas related to climate change, sustainable development and human rights.

  1. Nature conservation, animal protection, environmental protection
  2. Development of social enterprises
  3. Protection of the interests of social enterprises
  4. Protection of civil rights
  5. Protection of intellectual property
  6. Supporting the training and employment of disadvantaged groups on the labor market,
  7. Promotion of social equality of opportunities for disadvantaged groups – especially ethnic minorities,
  8. Promoting Euro-Atlantic integration,
  9. Helping the establishment of communication, information flow and dialogue between groups of communities, peoples and cultures with different thinking and attitudes,
  10. In order to realize its social mission, it issues study and research scholarships and awards and provides social assistance.

Other activities

7219 Natural science, technical research, development
7220 Social sciences, humanities research, development
8541 Higher, non-tertiary education
8532 Vocational secondary education
9003 Creative arts
7410 Fashion design
5811 Book publishing
5814 Publication of periodicals and periodicals
5911 Film, video, television program production
5920 Production and publication of audio recordings
7320 Market and public opinion research
8230 Organization of conference, trade show
5621 Event catering
7312 Media advertising
6311 Data processing, web hosting service
6201 Computer programming
7430 Translation, interpretation
8219 Photocopying, other office services
7022 Business and other management consulting
6209 Other information technology services
6202 Information technology consultancy

III. General rules for the operation of the association

  1. The association does not engage in direct political activity, its organization is independent of parties and does not provide them with financial support.

IV. Membership fee

  1. Members of the association pay a membership fee as a financial contribution. The membership fee is HUF 12,000 per year, which must be paid in a lump sum within 8 days of the entry into force of the registration order at the time of establishment, and by January 31 of each year at the latest, by transfer to the association’s treasury or the association’s bank account.

After the establishment of the association, a new member must pay the prorated amount of the membership fee in the year of the establishment of the membership relationship within 8 days from the establishment of the membership relationship, and thereafter by January 31 of each year at the latest by transfer to the association’s treasury or the association’s bank account.

V. Membership

  1. Any natural person, legal person, or organization without legal personality who agrees with the association’s objectives and accepts the provisions of the statutes can be a member of the association.
  2. In addition to the founding members, the association may have ordinary, supporting and honorary members.
  3. Supportive members participate in the association’s activities only with a financial contribution.
  4. Honorary members can only be elected by the membership – i.e. the general meeting – for this membership.
  5. Associate and honorary members may participate in meetings of the association’s bodies with the right to consult and may not be elected as senior officials.

VI. Creation of the membership relationship

  1. Membership of the association is created upon the registration of the association upon its foundation. After the establishment of the association, membership is established by accepting the declaration of entry. The declaration of entry must be submitted to the presidency, which body decides on the membership within 30 days from the receipt of the application, with a simple majority and an open vote. The decision must be sent in writing and certified to the applicant for membership within 8 days of its adoption. In case of rejection of the application for membership, there is no legal remedy.

VII. Termination of membership

  1. Membership is terminated:

a./ With the withdrawal of the member.
b./ With the member’s death or termination without legal successor.
c./ Excluding the member.

  1. The member may terminate his/her membership at any time, without giving any reason, with a written statement addressed to the association’s presidency. The membership relationship is terminated on the day your statement arrives at the presidency.
  1. The presidency may, by open vote and simple majority, exclude from among the members of the association a member who seriously or repeatedly violates the provisions of these articles of association or the resolution of the general assembly.

The exclusion procedure is carried out by the presidency at the initiative of any member or association body. In the exclusion procedure, the member must be invited to the meeting of the presidency in a verifiable manner, with the warning that his absence despite being duly invited does not prevent the holding of the meeting and the passing of decisions. He must be provided with the opportunity to defend himself at the meeting. At the meeting, the member can also be represented by a representative. The decision declaring the exclusion of the member must be written down and provided with reasons; the justification must include the facts and evidence on which the exclusion is based, as well as information on the possibility of legal redress. The presidency makes the decision on exclusion within 30 days from the start of the membership exclusion procedure and communicates it to the concerned member in a verifiable manner within 8 days.

The excluded member may appeal against the decision of the first instance of the presidency to the general meeting of the association within 15 days from the date of delivery. Following the receipt of the appeal, the presidency must convene the extraordinary general assembly immediately, but no later than within 30 days. The general assembly decides by open voting, by simple majority. The decision of the general assembly is announced verbally when it is taken and communicated to the concerned member in writing within 8 days, in a verifiable manner.

VIII. Members’ rights

  1. The founding member of the association is entitled to:

a./ to participate in the activities of the association
b./ to use the services of the association
c./ participate in the general meeting, exercise your right to vote, speak according to the rules of the general meeting, ask questions, make suggestions and comments
d./ to inspect the association’s documents
e./ to be elected as an officer of the association, if there is no disqualifying reason defined by law.

The member can also exercise his right to vote at the general assembly through his authorized representative. The power of attorney given to the representative must be put in writing in the form of a private document with full evidential force and handed over to the executive chairman of the general meeting at the beginning of the general meeting.

At the general assembly, all members entitled to vote have equal votes.

IX. Obligations of members

  1. Member of the association:

a./ It must not endanger the realization of the association’s goal and the association’s activities.
b./ Must pay the membership fee by the due date.
c./ Obliged to comply with the regulations and provisions of the association’s articles of association and the decisions of the decision-making bodies.
d./ He is obliged to notify the presidency of his address and contact information within 8 days after its change.

X. Bodies of the association

  1. The bodies of the association:

a./ General Assembly
b./ Presidency

The General Assembly

  1. The general meeting is the decision-making body of the association.
  2. The powers of the General Assembly include:

a) amendment of the articles of association;
b) deciding on the termination, merger and separation of the association;
c) election and recall of the senior official;
d) adoption of the annual budget, determination of the membership fee;
e) acceptance of the annual report – including the executive body’s report on the financial situation of the association;
f) exercising employer rights over the senior official, if the senior official is employed by the association;
g) approval of the conclusion of a contract that the association concludes with its own member, executive officer or their relative;
h) decision on the enforcement of compensation claims against current and former association members and senior officials;
i) decision on all issues that are referred to its competence by legislation or statutes.

  1. The general assembly meets at least once a year.
  2. The general meeting is convened by the board at least 15 days before the date of the meeting, primarily at the headquarters of the association, in writing and in a verifiable manner. It is considered a verifiable delivery in writing: e.g. as registered or registered mail, as well as delivery to the member’s electronic mail address with a confirmation of delivery (electronic return receipt).

If the general assembly was not convened properly, the meeting can be held if at least three-quarters of those entitled to participate are present at the meeting and unanimously consent to the holding of the meeting.

The general meeting invitation contains the association’s name, seat, place and time of the general meeting and the proposed agenda items. The items on the agenda must be recorded in the invitation at least in such detail that the members entitled to vote can form their position. The invitation must also include the location and date of the repeated general meeting in case the general meeting does not have a quorum, and the invitation that the repeated general meeting will have a quorum regardless of the number of attendees regarding the items on the original agenda, if the original date is at least three and at most fifteen days will be called at a later date.

The invitation to the general assembly must be made public at the association’s headquarters and website.

Within 3 days from the delivery or publication of the invitation to the general meeting, the members and the bodies of the association may request an addition to the agenda from the presidency, giving reasons for the addition. The presidency will decide on the addition of the agenda within 2 days. The presidency can reject the addition to the agenda or grant the request. In any case, he shall inform the members of his decision and, in the case of acceptance, the supplemented agenda items within 2 days at the latest of its decision in a verifiable manner.

If the presidency does not decide on the request to add to the agenda, or rejects the request, the general meeting shall decide separately on the subject of the addition to the agenda prior to the adoption of the decision on the adoption of the agenda. at least three quarters of those entitled to participate are present and unanimously agree to the discussion of the issue not on the agenda.

  1. The presidency is obliged to convene the general assembly without delay in order to take the necessary measures, if

a./ the assets of the association do not cover the due debts;
b./ the association will not foreseeably be able to pay the debts when due; obsession
c./ the achievement of the association’s goals is in jeopardy.

In these cases, at the convened general meeting, the members are obliged to take measures to eliminate the circumstances that gave rise to the convening or to decide on the termination of the association.

  1. The general assembly has a quorum if the voting rights representing more than half of the votes that can be cast are present. The quorum must be checked for every decision.
  1. After the opening of the general assembly, the quorum must first be determined, that is, the number of members present and entitled to vote compared to the current number of members. Before discussing the items on the agenda, the general assembly elects the presiding chairman, as well as the recorder and two verifiers of the minutes, as well as, if necessary, the two-member vote counting committee by simple majority and open voting.
  1. An attendance sheet must be prepared for the members present at the general assembly, on which the name and place of residence or headquarters of the member and, if the articles of association allow for participation by representative, and the place of residence or seat of the representative, and, if the members do not have the same number of votes, the name of the member number of votes. The attendance sheet is authenticated by the signature of the presiding chairman of the general meeting and the recorder.

Minutes of the general meeting must be prepared, which include

a) the name and seat of the association;
b) the place and time of the general assembly;
c) the name of the presiding chairman of the general meeting, the recorder, the verifier of the minutes;
d) the most important events that took place at the general assembly, the motions made;
e) the resolution proposals, votes cast and votes against, as well as the number of abstentions.

The minutes are signed by the recorder and the presiding chairman of the general meeting, and certified by two members who are present and elected for this purpose.

  1. The members make their decisions with the majority of votes taken into account when determining the quorum. When making the decision, those who

a) whom the decision exempts from obligation or responsibility or gives another advantage at the expense of the legal entity;
b) with whom, according to the decision, a contract must be concluded;
c) against whom a lawsuit must be initiated based on the decision;
d) whose relative is interested in the decision and who is not a member of the association;
e) who has a relationship based on majority influence with another organization interested in the decision; obsession
f) who is otherwise personally interested in the decision.

  1. In the absence of a different provision of the articles of association or law, the general meeting takes its decision by a simple majority and by open voting. Amendments to the association’s articles of association, mergers and splits of the association require a three-quarters majority decision of the general meeting. In order to amend the purpose of the association and to make a general meeting decision on the termination of the association, a decision made by a three-quarters majority of the members with voting rights is required.

The general meeting resolutions are announced orally by the presiding chairman at the general meeting and communicated to the relevant member(s) in writing within 8 days of the decision being made, in a verifiable manner, at the same time as the decision is published on the association’s website.

  1. The members of the Association or one of its organs may exercise their rights arising from their membership at the meeting of the general meeting, presidency and supervisory board of the Association by using electronic means of communication (e.g. online video call) instead of in person, provided that the identification of those with voting rights and the mutual and unrestricted communication can be ensured. In an issue on which, according to the statutes, a secret vote must be held, a decision may be made using electronic means of communication only if the secrecy of the vote can also be ensured. For persons who are not members of the Association or one of its bodies, the Association provides the opportunity for personal participation at the announced location of the meeting. What was said at the meeting held using the electronic communication device and the decisions made must be recorded in such a way that they can be verified later. If the decision taken at its meeting must be submitted to the court of record, minutes must be drawn up, which – unless otherwise prescribed by the articles of association or legislation – are authenticated by the signature of the chairperson of the meeting.

In relation to the meetings of the Association’s bodies, their members can freely decide on their own method of participation. Those members who wish to participate in the meeting using an electronic communication device must notify the president of the association body of their intention at least three days before the day of the meeting. Based on the notification, the president of the association body examines the possibility of clear identification and mutual communication, and before the meeting, he notifies the member whether he authorizes the use of the electronic communication device. Those members who do not inform the president of the association body of their intention within the deadline shall be considered as participating in the general meeting in person.

For the member who participates in the meeting of the association body using an electronic communication device, the attendance sheet is prepared by the recorder, and the member’s handwritten signature does not have to be included.


  1. The board is the executive body of the association consisting of 9 board members, which decides on all issues that are not referred to the exclusive competence of the general meeting by law or bylaws.
  1. The members of the presidency are elected by the general assembly for a fixed period of 3 years.

The appointment of a senior official will be terminated:

a./ at the end of the term of the assignment;
b./ by recall;
c./ by resignation;
d./ with the death or termination of the executive without a legal successor;
e./ by limiting the ability of the senior official to act in the scope necessary for the performance of his activities;
f./ upon the occurrence of a disqualifying or conflicting reason for the senior official.

The senior official may resign at any time with a statement addressed to the association and addressed to another senior official of the association. If the functionality of the legal entity requires it, the resignation becomes effective upon the appointment or election of the new senior official, failing which no later than the sixtieth day after the announcement.

  1. A senior official can be a person of legal age whose capacity to act has not been restricted in the scope necessary for the performance of his/her activities. If the senior official is a legal entity, the legal entity is obliged to designate the natural person who performs the duties of the senior official on its behalf.

The rules applicable to senior officials must also be applied to the appointed person. The senior official is obliged to perform his business management duties personally. A person who has been legally sentenced to prison for committing a crime cannot be a senior official until he has been freed from the adverse consequences of his criminal record. He cannot be a senior official who is subject to a judgment banning him from public affairs (Btk. ยง 61 (2) (2) point (i)). A person who has been legally banned from this occupation cannot be a senior official. A person who has been banned from an occupation by a final judicial verdict cannot be a senior official of a legal entity engaged in the activity indicated in the verdict during the period of the ban. A senior official who has been banned from acting as a senior official cannot be a senior official for the period specified in the decision declaring the ban.

  1. The leading officials of the association:

President of the association: Gรกbor Kiss

Board members of the association:
Gรกbor Kiss | Andrรกs Murzsicz | Laszlo Sramkรณ | Viktor Halas

The legal representation of the association is provided by the president and the operative manager.

Scope of the exercise of the right of representation: general.

Way of exercising the right of representation: independent.

  1. The Presidency is responsible for:

a./ managing the daily affairs of the association, making decisions in matters within its competence;
b./ preparing reports and submitting them to the general assembly;
c./ preparing the annual budget and submitting it to the general assembly;
d./ managing the association’s assets, making and implementing decisions regarding the use and investment of the assets that do not fall under the competence of the general meeting;
e./ convening the general meeting, notifying the membership and the association’s bodies;
f./ determining the agenda items of the general assembly convened by the presidency;
g./ participation in the general assembly and answering questions about the association;
h./ membership register;
i./ managing the association’s resolutions, organizational documents and other books;
j./ preservation of documents related to the operation of the association;
k./ always examining the existence of the reason for termination affecting the association and, if it occurs, taking the measures prescribed by this law; and
l./ decision on the admission of the member.
m/ decision on all issues that are referred to its competence by legislation or statutes

  1. The meetings of the presidency are held as necessary, but at least once a year. The board meeting is convened by the president at least 15 days before the date of the meeting, primarily at the headquarters of the association, in writing and in a verifiable manner. It is considered a verifiable delivery in writing: e.g. as registered or registered mail, as well as delivery to the member’s electronic mail address with a confirmation of delivery (electronic return receipt).

The invitation to the board meeting contains the association’s name and headquarters, the place and time of the board meeting and the proposed agenda items. The items on the agenda must be recorded in the invitation at least in such detail that the members of the presidency can form their position.

  1. The decision of the presidency is made by simple majority, open voting. The board has a quorum if more than half of board members whose voting rights are not restricted are present. In the presence of two board members, decisions can only be made unanimously.

When making the decision, those can not vote, who

a) whom the decision exempts from obligation or responsibility or gives another advantage at the expense of the legal entity;
b) with whom, according to the decision, a contract must be concluded;
c) against whom a lawsuit must be initiated based on the decision;
d) whose relative is interested in the decision and who is not a member of the association;
e) who has a relationship based on majority influence with another organization interested in the decision; obsession
f) who is otherwise personally interested in the decision.

  1. The decisions of the board are announced orally at the board meeting and communicated to the relevant member(s) in writing, in a verifiable manner, within 8 days of the decision being made, at the same time as the decisions are published on the association’s website.

XI. Final provisions

For matters not regulated in the articles of association, Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.) and Act CLXXV of 2011 on the right of association, public benefit legal status, and the operation and support of non-governmental organizations. Act (Ectv.) shall govern.

Date: Budapest, March 2024. 24.