Agrovest Reality TV show; a TV Reality show targeted at young agro entrepreneurs between the ages of 18-38, with viable businesses cutting across various agro value chains such as:
AgriTech, Logistics, Mechanization, crop and animal production, food processing, sales, permaculture
Addressing the following Sustainable Development Goals; No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure with the following objectives.

Tagline > Show Me The Money
AgroVest Season One
To support and encourage businesses of young people within the agro framework through funding and access to market. Move agriculture to be more knowledge-intensive, market-oriented sector, sustaining growth and adding value to product.

To promote best agro practices across all value chains through holistic education on mechanisation.
Technological trends and advancement, climate change and its effect on the emerging agro market.
Maximizing the media and affecting rural communities especially.
To create platform for policymakers, stakeholders and Agro entrepreneurs for exchange of ideas and actions.

Our Projection
Over 20,000 Direct and Indirect Jobs in the first season.
100,000USD (Hundred Thousand US Dollars) Early-Stage Funding for Agro Entrepreneurs.
Engage over 100,000 youths in Agribusiness/related business.

30 Participants selected to compete for RWF20,000,000 (Funds aimed at boosting agro idea/business).
8 Weeks (60 Days)
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