Wiki Pages

  • Backcasting Research

    Backcasting is a planning method that starts with defining a desirable future and then works backwards to identify policies and programs that will connect that specified future to the present. The fundamentals of the… Read More

  • CoVisioning

    CoVisioning is the process empowering even intercultural dialogue and guiding creation of a shared post-closure vision between peers. It is used in large meetings whose purposes beg for total engagement. Participants not only listen… Read More

  • Collaborative Commons

    A new economics system is beginning to flourish alongside the capitalist market. The Collaborative Commons is already changing the way we organize economic life, offering the possibility of dramatically narrowing the income divide and… Read More

  • Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things describes devices with sensors, processing ability, software and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks. The Internet of… Read More

  • OpenRDI

    Open Research Development and Innovation (OpenRDI) aims at strengthening the links between the research sector and the industry while enhancing the innovation and technology transfer culture in an open manner. Read More

  • Accomodation based contribution

    “make yourself at home” As part of our cosmo-localization ecosystems, house owners and renters can become providers in the Collaborative Commons. Landlords can form a contractual relationship to a given time with purpose driven… Read More

  • Residential support

    “You can build on our community” By allowing local residential contribution to people build their reputation, it could not only form circles of trust, but helps us to get a comprehensive view of our… Read More

  • Experience based learning

    “Learn & Do It Yourself “In collaboration with universities and partners, we establish a wide variety of education related services and activities. We are adding quality programs giving more value to your precious time… Read More

  • Resource Based Contribution

    “I’m sharing what I have”Contributions based on human labor and other shareable resources. The goal here is to strengthen cooperations in the framework and involve people to build their vision together. Projects, innovation hubs,… Read More

  • Makerspace Tools & Machinery

    “Available to your needs”If local innovators / makers / producers have new ideas, in order to ensure quality of projects and growth, makerspaces provide access to facilitate this flow as well as to fulfill… Read More

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