We aim at

envisioning & encouraging technological alternatives


Bringing together people to form community based solution packages


How open source research & development powers broad innovation


Discovering potentials of cooperatives in modern society

Learn & Do It Yourself

An experience-based education program

Welcome to the Innovation Hub

Blending true creativity with our shared resources

Recording in progress โฆฟ

โ–บ Moments from our media library


Activities we engage in

  • SolaRoof | PyraPOD

    SolaRoof | PyraPOD

    Action is required across a network of early adopters to replicate due diligence to building Solaroof. We are implement field projects, so that multiple teams rapidly become competent to create […]

  • NeuroScope


    We live in an era of heightened intensity. Huge psychic waves stretch the boundaries of communities and individuals. The human spirit uses a complex machine that has been perfected over […]

Trusted Partners

Don’t blink or think because it takes too long…

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